How does she do it?
When I meet new people, especially other moms of children with special needs, they are often taken aback by how much I have advocated for my daughter and how much I have accomplished in my own life. I often get asked how I manage to do it all and what keeps me going. Well, let me tell you my secret…
I’m a kook
I am slightly kooky. I know it and admit it openly. In fact, I celebrate it! My best friend affectionately calls me her “kook”. If I did not indulge in this side of myself, I would most likely be insane. Being kooky keeps me strong! It is the deep well from where I source my stamina for staying in love with life throughout the most challenging times. I need to pull from this reservoir to fulfill all my roles and responsibilities, including raising my daughter with special needs.
So what makes me kooky? Well, it is a fact that I have chosen to believe in the magic of life. I have chosen to actively seek to connect with all that surrounds me in a deeply meaningful way. I look for meaning. I create meaning. I explore ways to feel alive on a daily basis! My beliefs might seem out there to some (ok, most), but they shape my values and contribute to my happiness!
My personal brand of kookiness
I love horses (in case you haven’t noticed) and feel they communicate directly with me by mirroring my truths and teaching me important lessons in so many different ways. I have dreams at night that are often prophecies of realities that eventually occur in my real life. I believe that my angels and spirit guides give me all sorts of signs. I feel connected to the universe during my yoga classes, and feel a great sense of purpose when I help others help themselves. There is so much more, but I think you might be getting the idea of how rejuvenating it all is for me!
Start filling up your own well
I encourage you to start thinking about how to fill up your soul reservoir, especially if you are at a loss to reconnect with your sense of vitality. Often, moms of children with special needs can become numb over the years and struggle to feel anything at all. If you are wondering how one goes about doing this, start by identifying your soulful type. If you don’t know what it is, you can start by further exploring what you suspect makes you tick.
5 ways to connect to your soulful side
There are lots of different theories about this topic, but I have categorized 5 main ways people connect to the magic of life. Some people can dabble in all 5, while others stick to only one. It depends on your personality and soul archetype (a whole other blog topic).
1. Nature
If you love the great outdoors and all it has to offer, this may be your thing! If being in the presence of animals, caring for plants, and/or helping environmental causes makes you feel part of something bigger than yourself, then this may be your ticket into connecting to the magic of life!
2. The physical body
Some people need to get out of their heads to clear their thoughts and tap into their bodies to be fully present. Examples include those who find exercise essential, enjoy a satisfying yoga practice, and/or feel alive when playing a sport they love. You can totally reach new levels of soulfulness by taking your physicality to a new level!
3. Sensuality
Many of us can experience soulful connections through pleasurable yet intense stimulation from our senses. Music, art, food, dance, meditation, and physical intimacy are all part of this type of way to connect to your higher self!
4. Social/emotional experiences and interactions
If you are the type of person who feels uplifted after spending time with your friends and loved ones, helping others through difficult times, or participating in humanitarian causes, it is possible that you can achieve greater soulful connections to life through social/emotional interactions!
5. Religion
This one speaks for itself! I would, however, encourage you to try to connect to one of the other methods to truly go even deeper by developing your own connection to yourself!
Teach your child about soulfulness
How can you teach your child with special needs ways to find true meaning and joy as they forge their way in life if you do not have sustainable strategies that work for you? Being a model for spiritual resourcefulness and soul resiliency is your best way to show your child that your perspective and beliefs directly influence your level of happiness.
Hurry up and get on the kooky train! It’s way more fun up here, anyways! You have nothing to lose but your insanity.