(as appeared in the December 5th online issue of Equine Wellness Magazine This is the story of Anna, a little girl with selective mutism who found strength and support within the herd. As a family wellness practitioner, I work with children, families and individuals to provide soulful interventions rooted in nature. My goal is…
Benefits of Horse Healing for Fertility and Pregnancy
What can horses do for couples trying to conceive or already pregnant couples? Surprisingly enough, quite a lot! Horses are gaining recognition in the world of therapy as being effective facilitators for healthful change. We have witnessed what they can do for war veterans, inmates, youth at risk, and children with disabilities. Now it is…
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3 ways horses can improve your mental health
What if you changed the pace for a while and stepped out of your usual routine? You might just start to see and feel magical things happening for both your horse’s mental health and your own! Spending time with horses offers numerous wellness benefits. And the good news is, you don’t have to be skilled…
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