11 year old Andalusian Azteca Quarter horse mare
Formal name is “Nobilis Magia”
Magical, acquiescent, supportive

I knew Noble before I even met her. For a few months, I kept having a recurrent dream about a beautiful grey mare informing me that she was to become my next horse. She had expressed an interest in bringing in some female energy to my herd of geldings to support some of the amazing women who visit me. I had such a clear picture of her in my head from dreaming of her regularly, that I ended up painting her portrait and putting it in my studio. Well, 4 months later, she appeared in a social media feed. It was the exact same headshot I had painted. I was floored by the details I had depicted in my portrait including her long eyelashes and the pink on the left side of her nose. So I called her owner, met Noble, and took her home…
Noble has an amazing story. Before she came to me, I had taken the time to communicate with her telepathically. She had assured me that I was not to worry about incorporating her into a herd of 3 males. She knew them all in a past life and had a different role to play in each horse’s life. There would be no fighting and the integration would be immediate. I decided to trust my intuition, and indeed, it was ridiculously easy, and exactly as she described it in our communication.
Noble has shown an incredible interest in supporting the women who visit. It is so obvious that she is embracing this next life purpose with pride and honour. She also loves children, and I wonder if she would like one of her own someday.
She is as noble and magical as they come!
Alter ego: Galadriel from Lord of The Rings
16 year old palomino Welsh Pony gelding
Formal name is “Here Comes The Sun”
Inquisitive, fun-loving, generous

I decided to adopt Chance after my children swarmed him following an impressive jumping performance at Spruce Meadows. Despite their incessant poking and prodding, he stood there quietly, affectionately nuzzling them on the head. Even though I was insanely jealous of his thick bleached blonde mane, I couldn’t help but love him at first sight. So I took him home…
Chance is an endearing pony who wears his heart on his sleeve. He will seek out those who need to unload their emotions and let go of what no longer serves them.
Chance is a great advocate for connecting to the child within and taking the time for self-care. You might just find yourself getting highlights after you spend time with him.
Alter ego: Rod Stewart
23-year-old bay Morgan gelding
Formal name is “Wind In The Willows“
Loyal, protective, honest

Will came to me in a dream to reveal that he was from my soul family. He showed me the joy we would experience together and the shared life purpose we were to fulfill if I chose to work with him. So I took him home…
When I introduced him to my two other horses, they welcomed him immediately. They even seemed to recognize him as an old friend. Will is now their exceptional herd leader.
You can always trust Will to honour your process, comfort you, and hold on to your heart for safekeeping.
Will leads many educated and intelligent women to ponder the question of why you would even need a partner when you have the love of such a tall, dark, and handsome creature.
Alter ego: Denzel Washington
22 year old buckskin Pinto gelding
Formal name is “Just In Time”
Wise, telepathic, observant

Justin was the first horse I have ever known and befriended. Rescued from slaughter by an Earth Angel (named Joyce), he became my greatest joy, teacher, and friend throughout the hardest times in my life. It quickly became evident that I could not live without him and that being my lesson horse was just not going to cut anymore. So I took him home…
Justin supported me both emotionally (and at times physically) throughout my journey with my own child with special needs. He encourages self-reflection by inviting you to sit with him to explore the most important insights about yourself you will ever discover.
Justin teaches living in the present moment and trusting your gut.
Alter ego: Yoda
Formal name is “Let’s Go Galavanting”
Our horse spirit guide

Gailen passed with grace and dignity in the summer of 2023. He came to us in his retirement years. He was a well-loved champion in his day and spent the last years of his life as a powerful healer to adults and children alike. He was loved deeply.
The first time I met Gailen, I immediately felt like I had known him all my life, so I took him home… Now, he resides in our hearts.
Gailen means “calm healer,” and that is exactly who he was on a soul level.
Spirit guide: Gailen has joined Marianne’s team of spirit guides, and his energy is felt daily on the ranch.
3 Horse Hacienda
No time? No problem! A mom’s time is precious. There’s no need to drive to the ends of the Earth for your equine sessions! The 3 Horse Hacienda is conveniently located in Bearspaw, literally across the street from NW Calgary. Schedule your appointment after school drop-off or right before pick-up, and even have time to grab your groceries on your way out!
The days of impersonal appointments are over! The ranch is located on a forested acreage, with a quaint office in a charming hacienda-style family home! You will feel welcomed, nurtured, and safe to honour your process. If you let yourself be still, you will feel the incredible energy of the land recharging your soul! It truly is where magical things happen! You might even be lucky enough to receive a visit from one of our forest friends…